Elections special: PM’s Trickle-Down Portrait

To thrive as the strongest detergent ready to clean and rinse the nation’s dirty linen and woe’s any PM-in-wait has to swim past the empty rhetoric of the incumbent, with new promises. Though the context may differ, the soaking promises gain spectacular traction only as far as the public remains amnesic the PM-in-wait cannot break away from their party and its people.

As migrant to the UK, it is therefore potent for one’s sanity and health to revisit the drip and trickle of the past promises floated under Teresa May (TM) PM, to get a better glimpse of Boris, the formerly in-wait Brexit PM.

With austerity declared over but not buried and Brexit in foreseeable limbo, May’s asked once more the many who know how the Tory cookie crumbles to believe it could trickle-down too and find some resolution.

TM as the unelected ‘saving face’ of British still-democracy gave at the 2015 Tory conference what was de facto a job interview for the media and party members to secure her buy-in value and Brexit time.

She cared very much to remind everybody watching, of the Iron Lady’s stiffness, the trademark of common sense as public servant stoic. Proof she can do a man’s job and brush aside easily if not bully wholeheartedly any bleeding-heart socialist that may get in the way.

Her tone was pure Tory manoeuvring, working hard to inspire the media and the masses to look the other way – towards ‘magical’ Brexit change for all – while decisions were to be taken somewhere else for the few.

Hilary’s touch was felt in the haircut, the expensive-but-tasteless Mrs T. bling, that spoke of status first, not of the actual person or her history. So that so, those more aware could ‘get’ a sense of TM’s true allegiances that did not fall too far off Dave’s tune of year past: austerity for many, opps for my mates and their mates.

For the masses, if not the classes she wanted to be the new woman of the people at no.10, the very people she’d punished, she felt she could ‘represent’ with a piece of jewellery and speak for them as British leaders do. Some still call this ‘the nanny-state’, the very essence of the hate-love relationship the Tories have carried from no. 10 with the working people of this country since before empire times, past.

If this was the measuring stick TM was to be judged by, one was kept wondering which way it may bend or eventually break. Grenfell, and Windrush if not terrorism and war spoke volumes regardless of how visibly muted and buried under ‘caring’ indifference they were.

As far as Tory hypocrisy goes the ‘people failures’ of TM PM were made perfect as long as the powerful and the rich were served – and many working migrants were defrauded from poor to become poorer – a trend impossible to stop in the UK or the world now as politician.

TM PM, still content with her yesterday achievements, stepped out of Mrs.T’s & Hilary’s shadow and proved women Tory leaders are better at defrauding and humiliating the poor, than (Tory) men, or just more thick-skinned in their devotion to their party and so, much harder to topple when the time comes.

For the ‘suspicious migrant’ Teresa May’s pledges provide a clue as to what she ‘didn’t do next’ for the voting migrants and for equality in general in the light of Grenfell, Windrush and terrorism.

As migrants we can only conclude, the more the PMs change the more their party stays the same, including the inhuman practices dressed as necessity.