Founded by the former Methuen drama editor Nicholas Hern in 1988, Nick Hern Books is a London-based independent theatre publisher that act also as performance rights agents. The ground they mainly cover is that of ‘contemporary’ British/Commonwealth theatre, adaptations, musicals and screenplays for performance live or online.

Nick Hern Books licences performance rights and offers plays for inspection to amateur companies.

Additional costs are part of the deal – particularly regarding musicals. Check their terms of conditions carefully – they are part of the copyright law infringement police. They have opened a new service for online and/or hybrid performance probably to cover if not exploit every angle of performance rights.

Trying to mix the beautiful concept of publishing plays with the cut-throat side of business.


Our Address:

Nick Herne Books, The Glasshouse, 49a Goldhawk Road, London, W12 8QP


51.5022865, -0.2258967



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RAD 2023-07-24 12:36

What sounds like a great idea to mix publishing with performance rights for the benefit of contemporary theatre, is ultimately an English business model that allows them to enforce a small monopoly on fees and rights breakdown particularly on musicals. Doubt prevailing this may be or may not be the case, on a case by case basis if you are willing and able to negotiate and cry our loud you are an amateur theatre company or worse … a school theatre company …etc etc. However with a ‘no fees’ offer for amateur theatre companies to inspect any play they temp most in their online den.