• Keep a key of all your abbreviations at the front of your prompt copy.
  • Use character names so that it is interchangeable for performers.
  • Each page should start with a number 1.
  • Props are included in blocking. Wardrobe items too.
  • Only take down the moves and not actors’ intentions or motivations.

Locations and movement

Abbreviation Meaning
US upstage
DS downstage
PS promptside
OP opposite prompt
MS midstage
C centre
@ at
x cross
b/h behind
i/f in front of
p/u pick up
ent enter
ex exit

Blocking is part of the prompt book, also called transcript, the bible or sometimes simply the book. The book contains the information necessary to create a theatrical production from the ground up. In modern theatrical productions, the prompt book is generally maintained and kept by the stage manager, with differences in the specific construction and organization to suit the style of the stage manager keeping the book and the type of production.