2024.08.03 on committing human crimes

The promise of any crime is that it would go unpunished. 
Those who benefited from it would never be caught or revealed.
A crime is a shortcut to create an irreversible circumstance,
Whereby there were no shortcuts and no open paths.

Crimes like lies tend to catch up with the perpetrators.
But the scope is to delay the retribution and reach a safer ground.
Where a settlement is possible, desirable or some compromise,
Whereby a victim accepts some role in the crime,
And the owner owns in part their crime.

Crimes in our time do not get justice but a compromise.
Crime is a zero sum game for too many state actors that are criminals.

2024.06.24 on Assange walking a free man

Assange is free but freedom of the press he left behind bars.

2024.06.21 on speaking lies

The visible thing about speaking lies is that one's mind and body starts believing them while one's soul still does some searching.

Humans are not build to switch between truth and lies too often or too much before the mind starts thinking lies to be the truth and truth to be a lie.

The need for empirical truth is more than ever relevant in our relative world we live in where the consequences of lies believed to be the truth can be dire, as two world wars prove. Living a lie or with the lies mascaraing as truth brought and will bring empires down and a disaster in the process that is the fall. 

The fight has always been for the truth, and the lie mascaraing and mirroring it to be vanquished! Our shared history is truth our ideological ideals and differences are generally the lies we live with until we don't.

2024.06.15 on war is peace being spoken

We lived to hear 'war is peace', the Orwellian words uttered in the same manner and tone of voice by an 80s Erich Honecker lookalike, today dressed as NATO's leader. No one stood up to stop this man, no one retorted that our shared history had proven the opposite, no one met this man with a rebel laugh to show him we are more and bigger than his power game played by his one party, the party of war.

We can only hope now that our future, life and security would rely not on the statements of such man to be fooled and some seduced by the sophistry of 'war is peace' that serves the few but not the many peoples of Europe. We are again being slowly sacrificed and marched towards a war, a scaffold or ditch under the promise of peace while that man speaks from his safe high-office. We are becoming lost to war and in embracing war we can only find one peace, the peace we've seen so much of in Ukraine. That peace of war that is one death assured.

On these lands Love is Hate, War is Peace, Love is War, Hate is Peace. 

2024.06.04 on deadly state oppression

Deadly oppression has the same face everywhere

Never other and never less

Always hiding under the same guise

As the lawful necessity provoked by others.

Oppression is the fear of the state of being taken down

The fear to be replaced or reborn for the people more than it was

It is the apparatus living in fear it could, would, should fall

Destroying people and principle for one more day or year in power.
